- 74ABT32
Quad 2-input gate - 74ABT322
From datasheet system - 74ABT3284
18-Bit Synchronous Datapath Multiplexer - 74ABT3284VJG
18-Bit Synchronous Datapath Multiplexer - 74ABT32D
Quad 2-input gate - 74ABT32D-T
Quad 2-input OR Gate - 74ABT32DB
Quad 2-input gate - 74ABT32DB-T
Quad 2-input OR Gate - 74ABT32N
Quad 2-input gate - 74ABT32PW
Quad 2-input gate - 74ABT32PW-T
Quad 2-input OR Gate - 74ABT32PWDH
Quad 2-input gate - 74ABT373
Octal Transparent Latch with 3-STATE Outputs - 74ABT37307
Octal Transparent Latch with 3-STATE Outputs - 74ABT373A
Octal transparent latch 3-State